Monday, December 27, 2004

End times??

Ok after the day before yesterdays Tsunami craze in Insonesia, which to me sounded more 'Day-after-tommorow' like, My growing suspicians thaat the end times are closer than we think began to be confirmed.. i mean 12300 Dead last night, and i wake up leo with 23,700 DEAD. i mean , just like that.

But it was this -
Fingerprint Reader Keyboard - thaat sealed the deal for me aki..doesnt it just scream out that Revelations chapter 13???

This tied in with the famous Bill gates is the antichrist email forward, and there u have it..a fine but bullet proof specimen of conspiracy theory lunacy? Still in the processs of decoding the word 'longhorn' , the pseudonym for the next version of microsoft windows hehe..

U betta make the most of your new year..I seriously feel like we dont have much time left..(teren teren..ten ten teeen) - ok clearly too much spiked egnog..

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