Wednesday, December 01, 2004

RE:world aids Day

Not to sound a tad misogynist,
But my inital feeling when i read Cowi's thread was that hey..Guys get Aids too!! i dont feel that 57% is significant enought to have an entire world aids day to recognize this fact..maybe they should have spent their missionic energy trying to appeal to perhaps more pressing issues relating to the HIV and Aids, like say the reorganization of the commercial pharmaceutical world to enhance innovative approaches to finding and managing a cure. Maybe even make more plausible linkages like HIV and the third world..

Ok and here I'm just trying to be provocative..also coz i'm not sure if its been scientifically proven : are women really more susceptible to Aids than guys are?

I must agree THough that female carries of HIV definitely portray more spunk, and courage in their pursuits to have their voice heard.

On another note, it very coincidently Snowed today...1st of December! Nature and man's Calendar in conspirracy? Dunno, but what i do know is that it certainly brings a shroud of peacefulness in the craziness that has been this week.

Heeey!still wondering what you folks are doing for the ur sikukuu..
Funny i miss going down to ouw shamba back home and literally cutting and bebaing a REAL christmas tree. Funny i also miss the calculated routine of severing those cray-paper decorations..trying to get creative, the family get-togethers with nothing but food as the main priority..

Wangu,Cina,Anto,Chris,SoulSystah,nduta,shiku Stand up!

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