Friday, December 31, 2004


hello guys, how are all of you doing? hope you are all fine and hope you enjoyed christmas.
Well the tsunami tragedy is really a sad issue for me and i believe many of us. I just found out yesterday that the tidal waves reached Kenya. Well they also reached Perth but thank God it was nothing serious. The death toll as of now is 125,000 and is still on the rise. Very sad indeed. I thought I had a terrible christmas-my housemate went home on Christmas day and was passing through Indonesia, but she was not affected by the tsunamis;I was originally going to sleep the whole day on christmas day, but a friend of mine called me for lunch, lastly i had no family to celebrate it with-pretty bad eh? not at all. I thought this was the worst chritsmas ever. But when I learnt of the tsunami tragedy-I just stopped whinging and complaining to people about how bad my christmas was. God kept me well and I had no major problems. This tragedy has really humbled me for a while, I was being selfish, wallowing in self-pity. The guys in South East Asia and parts of east Africa have had the worst christmas I can imagine,and mine was no where near bad-am alive aren't I, my whole family is well, my friends are well, what more could anyone ask for? Ieven know this Indonesian woman who lost her whole family in the tragedy, they were from the province of Aceh- the most affected province in the western part of Indonesia,pretty disheartening to even think about it. Guys you really have to count your blessings.
With all that blabbering, I just want to wish you guys A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR and GOD bless you all.

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