Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Flicckr for dummys

Hey ya'll

For all of you who who are jealous of the props Thomas is getting and all you beatiful female bloggers, wangu , joy, vicky , angie, wambui, etc.. heres how you can get yourself on the blog!!!

1. Go into FLickr
2.Follow instructions to open a new account
3.Because you will have no trouble with this you should recieve a confirmation email.
4.When you get into Flicker through your adress upload your pics (like DUH ) I know that sounds condesending but I do not want to be held responsible for any failures.
5 Once you are in go here and add virtual insanity as your blog of choice
6. From then on any picture you uplaod to your space on flickr will have a blog this option on the side. To add the pic to VI just click on blog this.

Good luck

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