Sunday, December 05, 2004

Sermon on the Weng'

How you all doing, good bloggers (ps. bad bloggers- akina Wangu and Shifta- are not salamiwad here)

I've just chucked from church like 20 minutes ago and i felt (in Vicky style) that i should let out my observation while its still burning within. The pastor was preaching bout how to overcome evil and there was one thing which he described as evil and i was perturbed to say the least. The guy opined (gave his opinion, lol) that the habit of going out to study and coming back to the country with a 'weng' is evil!!**?? He went on to sema (in the middle of the sermon) about how we have our identity in the way we (they) say 'fis' instead of 'fish' and i almost walked out in protest. Well, i think, in y most personal opinion; that how you decide to speak your English is your own style of cooking ugali! That i went to the land of the english speaking and came back speaking the way the language should be spoken, should not be held against me by my fellow indigenous kenyans speaking a FOREIGN LANGUAGE. Its a good thing that sermons are not like lectures where u can interrupt the speaker and tell him that you think he's lying through his teeth (kunyoa bila maji!). I was hard pressed not to jump up and shout 'ISHINDWE!'.

Its an early morning- may i take my leave.

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